Providing nutrition services to seniors through meal delivery, senior meals at local dining rooms, plus a variety of services to meet individual needs.
Meals on Wheels South Florida is funded through the State of Florida’s Department of Elder Affairs, The Jim Moran Foundation and the Area Agency on Aging of Broward County, with funds made available by the Federal Older American’s Act, Fair Share dollars and Private Donations.
Meals For Companion pets please send me information address where to send in donation.
Send a check to:
Broward Meals on Wheels
451 North State Road 7
Plantation, FL 33317
(make checks payable to Broward Meals on Wheels)
Call 954-731-8770 ext 6920 to make a donation by credit card.
(all major credit cards accepted.)
im interested in yr services for my mom-would like more info thx