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✓ Free HIV Testing Centers in Broward, FL

Get confidential information on HIV/AIDS, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HPV, Genital HPV, Genital HPV infection, Genital Herpes, Bacterial Vaginosis, PID, Trichomoniasis, and other STDs. Being tested is the ONLY way to know for sure if you are infected with HIV. (Also see: State of Florida)

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    Fri, 23 Sep 2011 – http://www.timespicayune.com/

    New Orleans’ NO/AIDS Task Force will hold the 22nd annual NO/AIDS Walk Sunday in Audubon Park, St. Charles Avenue. Registration begins at 8 a.m.; the walk steps off at 10 a.m.; and entertainment will continue until 2 p.m. The funds raised support local HIV prevention and AIDS support efforts. For more information, telephone 504-821-2601 or visit http://www.noaidswalk.com.

  • CANADA: Vancouver Hospitals to Start Voluntary Routine HIV Testing to Save Lives
    Fri, 23 Sep 2011 –

    Beginning in October, Vancouver hospitals will offer HIV testing to all patients who are getting bloodwork done, Vancouver Coastal Health (VCH) announced on Friday. The pilot project aims to diagnose and treat infected patients earlier in order to improve their health and, by cutting viral loads, to prevent onward HIV transmission. Previous studies have found the “treatment as prevention” (TAP) model helped reduce new HIV infections in British Columbia by 60 percent since 1996. In all other provinces, rates were no better than unchanged. “Mortality is down, HIV new cases are down, AIDS-related hospital admissions are down,” said Dr. Julio Montaner, director of the B.C. Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDS, which has led the TAP approach. The center and Providence Health Care are partnering with VCH in the Vancouver pilot. St. Paul’s and Mount Saint Joseph hospitals will begin testing all consenting patients on Oct. 3; Vancouver General Hospital will begin in November; and University of British Columbia joins in 2012. The pilot ends in 2013; data from it will be used to determine whether to continue or expand the project, which has $48 million (US $47 million) in funding from the B.C. Ministry of Health.

  • Q: Where did HIV come from?
    Scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. They believe that the chimpanzee version of the immunodeficiency virus (called simian immunodeficiency virus or SIV) most likely was transmitted to humans and mutated into HIV when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood. Over decades, the virus slowly spread across Africa and later into other parts of the world.

    For more information, read our Question and Answer about where HIV came from.

Free HIV Testing in Broward County

Being tested is the ONLY way to know for sure if you are infected with HIV. Free Rapid HIV Testing: Results in 5 minutes. Receive confidential information.

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To improve and maintain oral health of the medically underserved.

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