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✓ Clothes for Fashion Model Dolls

Clothes for Fashion Model Dolls
Volume 99
Hilde – Fashions in Wool
Original Copyright 1963

A collection of doll clothes patterns to knit for both male and female fashion model dolls. Made to fit 11 ½ inch girl fashion dolls and 12 inch boy fashion dolls. These doll clothes patterns are the perfect size for Barbie and Ken!

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  • Cable Stitch Slipover | No. 780 | Doll Clothes Pattern
    Published by Hilde as Clothes for Fashion Model Dolls, Volume 99.
    Girl’s Size
    (Boy’s size in parentheses)
    ¼ oz. Fingering Yarn 3 ply
    2 sock needles No. 2
    GAUGE: 15 sts. = 2 inch.
    1st row: K 9 (11), P 1, K 4, P 1, K 9 (11).
    2nd row: P 9 (11), K 1, P 4, K 1, P 9 (11).
    Repeat these 2 rows once more.
    5th row: K 9 (11), P 1, slip next 2 sts. to an extra needle, hold in front of work, K next 2 sts., K the 2 sts. from extra needle (a cable made), P 2, K 9 (11).
    6th row: As 2nd row.
    Repeat these 6 rows for pattern, cabling the K 4 sts. every 6th row on right side.
    Cast on 24 (28) sts. with No. 2 needles and work in ribbing K 2, P 2 for 3 rows. Change to pattern. Work even until the entire piece measures 2 ¼ (3) inch. Put a marker on each end of needle to mark armhole. Work even for 1 inch above marker. Bind off for shoulders at the beginning of the next 2 rows 7 (8) sts., rem. 10 (12) sts. work in ribbing K 2, P 2 for 4 rows. Bind off loosely K as K and P as P.
    Work as Back until 3 (4) cables have been completed. Shape V neck: Work across 12 (14) sts. only, slip rem. 12 (14) sts. to a holder to be worked later. Decr. for neck 1 st. at center edge every other row until 7 (8) sts. are left over, at the same time when piece measures as long as back to armhole, put marker alt beg. of row to mark armhole. Work as high as back and bind off for shoulder 7 (8) sts. Slip sts. from holder back to needle, connect yarn and finish this side of neck to correspond.
    Sew up shoulder seam and pick up 16 (18) sts. between markers. 1st row: P 5 (6), K 1, P 4, K 1, P 5 (6). 2nd row: K 5 (6), P 1, K 4, P 1, K 5 (6). Cable the K 4 sts. on right side on 4th and every following 6th row as on sweater until 5 cables are completed. Work in ribbing K 2, P 2 for 4 rows. Bind off loosely K as K and P as P.
    Right side facing you pick up 31 (33) sts. around V neck and work in ribbing K 2, P 2 for 4 rows, decr. 1 st. before and after the center st. at V neck every other row. Bind off loosely K as K and P as P.
    FINISHING: Sew up side and sleeve seams. Block to size.
    Distributed by BrowardLiving.org
  • Knitting Pattern Abbreviations
    ( ) = work instructions between parentheses, in the place directed
    [ ] = work instructions between brackets, as many times as directed
    * = repeat instructions following the single asterisk as directed
    * * = repeat instructions between the asterisks as directed

    A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z  

    alt = alternate
    approx = approximately

    beg = begin(ning)
    bet = between
    BO = bind off

    CA = color A
    CB = color B
    CC = contrasting color
    ch = chain
    cm = centimeter
    cn = cable needle
    CO = cast on
    cont = continue

    dec = decrease
    dpn = double pointed needles

    ea = each
    eor = every other row
    est = established

    FL = front loops
    foll = follow

    g = gram
    g st = garter stitch
    grp(s) = groups


    in(s) = inch, inches
    inc = increase


    k or K = knit
    k1b = knit 1 in back loop of stitch
    k2tog = knit 2 stitches together
    kfb = knit into front and back of stitch
    kwise = knitwise

    LH = left hand
    lp(s) = loop(s)

    MC = main color
    m = meters
    M1 = make one stitch
    M1 p-st = make one purl stitch
    mm = millimeters
    meas = measures

    ndl = needle

    O = yarn over
    oz = ounce(s)

    pat(s) = pattern(s)
    p or P = purl
    p1b = purl 1 in back loop of stitch
    p2tog = purl 2 stitches together
    pfb = purl into front and back of stitch
    pm = placemaker
    pop = popcorn
    prev = previous
    psso = pass slipped stitch over
    pwise = purlwise


    rem = remain
    rep = repeat(s)
    rev St st = reverse stockinette stitch
    rib = ribbing
    RH = right hand
    rnd(s) = round(s)
    RS = right side

    sk = skip(ped)
    skp = slip, knit, pass stitch over – one stitch decreased
    sk2p = slip 1, knit 2 together, pass slip stitch over the knit 2 together; 2 stitches have been decreased
    sl = slip
    sl1k = slip 1 knitwise
    sl1p = slip 1 purlwise
    sl st = slip stitch(es)
    sp = space
    ss = slip stitch (Canadian)
    ssk = slip, slip, knit these 2 stitches together – a decrease
    sssk = slip, slip, slip, knit 3 stitches together
    st(s) = stitch(es)
    St st = stockinette stitch / stocking stitch

    tbl = through back loop
    tog = together



    WS = wrong side
    wyib = with yarn in back
    wyif = with yarn in front


    yd = yard(s)
    yfwd = yard forward
    yb = yarn to the back
    yf = yarn to the front
    yo = yarn over
    yo2 = yarn over twice
    yrn = yarn around needle
    yon = yarn over needle


Clothes for Fashion Model Dolls

Clothes for Fashion Model Dolls, Volume 99, Hilde – Fashions in Wool, Original Copyright 1963

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