Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator is a revolutionary combination of vitamins E, B-complex, Calcium, Sulfur Amino Acids and vegetable extracts which strengthens nails, prevents peeling and instantly stimulates new nail growth. A miracle in a bottle . Now only $12.95 + FREE shipping.
The only product you will ever need to strengthen dry, brittle or soft peeling nails. Reconditions nails after artilficial nails. Maintains proper moisture levels and helps the nails grow faster. — QTICA
How to Make Fingernails Grow Faster
Long fingernails are sexy and elegant. Here’s how to make them grow faster.
Nails grow at different rates, but there are some general rules of thumb — no pun intended — that apply to everyone. The longer the finger, the faster the fingernail will grow. Nails grow faster in warm climates, so that means your fingernails will grow faster in the summer. Nails also grow faster when your body is fighting the flu. On a diet? Your nails will grow slower. Your pinkie nail grows the slowest, your thumbnail the next slowest. And sorry, ladies: Men’s fingernails grow faster than yours, and the speed of your fingernail growth probably peaked by the time you were 14. But on average, fingernails grow about 1½ inches per year.
With that said, there are things you can do to make your fingernails grow faster:
• Check your nutritional habits. Extreme dieting, especially diets low in protein, can cause fingernails to weaken and break, which impedes their growth. Make sure you consume a sensible number of calories every day, and modify your diet to include protein-rich foods like lean meats, chicken, eggs, low-fat cheese, and soybeans. Not sure your everyday food intake is optimal for growing fingernails faster? Drink a protein shake and take a multivitamin daily.
• Got milk? Drink some every day. The vitamin D in milk will strengthen your nails and promote growth.
• Vitamin A has been shown to help fingernails grow faster. Up your intake by eating carrots, mangoes, and apricots.
• Drink your vitamin C in orange juice. This helps the production of collagen, which helps skin stay firm and allows for healthy, fast nail growth.
• Get the blood flowing to your nails to stimulate growth. It’s no secret that pianists have long fingernails that require constant trimming. Why? Because blood is constantly flowing to their fingernails, stimulating growth. Other fingernail growing activities are typing, sewing, gymnastics, cooking, gardening, and any other tasks that require you to use your hands a lot.
• Stay warm. Nails grow faster in hot climates. If it’s cold outside, be sure to wear gloves and keep your hands warm at all times to increase blood flow to your fingernails and stimulate growth.
• Use a nutrient-filled nail polish to make fingernails grow faster. Apply a layer each night to make fingernails grow even faster.
• Get manicures regularly. You can do them yourself or have them done by a professional. Good hand and nail hygiene and maintenance improves the health of your nails and will keep them growing strong.
• Here’s an odd one: Rub garlic on your fingernails to help them grow faster. Leave on fingernails for a half hour and then rinse. Rub a lemon on your fingers to remove the garlic smell.
A proper diet and some special attention to your hands can make your fingernails grow faster.
How to Make Fingernails Grow Faster
Qtica Natural Nail Growth Stimulator really works. I could see and feel the difference after first 7 days. My nails were stronger and I definitely saw growth. It has been about 2 months since I started using this product and my nails never looked better. I would highly recommend this product to anyone who wants great natural nails without switching to artificial nails.
– ginger
I have disliked my nails all my life. They have always been flimsy and prone to peeling and breaking all the time from everyday use of my hands. However when I use this product according to the label instructions, I don`t have any of my typical nail problems. My nails grow out in less time, and they are much more strong and health-looking than usual. I am actually able to keep my nails long and even because they don`t break nearly as much. If you have problem nails that tend to stay short because they lack strength and integrity, I suggest you try this product. Trust me, it’s worth the money to get the results you want.
– CB