In his book Fluent Forever, opera singer Gabriel Wyner suggests that one of the best ways to learn a new language is to practice remembering it. In other words, instead of reading and re-reading a list of vocabulary words, you should read it once and then test yourself repeatedly.
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The Science of Sticking to Good Habits – Why is it so hard to stick to good habits? It seems to be remarkably easy to fall into unhealthy routines: eating junk food, watching TV instead of going to the gym, showing up to a job you hate every day, biting your nails, smoking. There’s no shortage of unhealthy and unproductive behaviors. And we all struggle with them from time to time. But why? Read full article.
Transform Your Habits is a free 45-page guide on the science of sticking to good habits, making changes, and overcoming obstacles. Learn how psychology makes it easier for you to live healthy and actually stick to your goals. Read more.