Local groups and organizations available exclusively for the purpose of providing services, support and encouragement to the home-educated.
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Q: Where can I find a homeschool support group in Broward County?
A: Here is a list of local groups and organizations available exclusively for the purpose of providing services, support and encouragement to home educating families.
Broward Homeschool Parent Support Group (PSG)
Address: 155 NW 112 Avenue, Plantation, FL 33325
Phone: (954) 749-7310
E-mail: browardhomeschool@yahoo.com
About: The PSG offers field trips, classes (BEHC), drama program, prom, SGA, and testing.
Florida Parent-Educators Association (FPEA)
Phone: (954) 961-1511
E-mail: district13@fpea.com
Web site: http://www.fpea.com
About: The FPEA serves thousands of homeschool families in Florida, delivering a wealth of support, guidance and information to home educators.
Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools Association
Phone: (772) 461-9776
E-mail: joe.gibilisco@fccpsa.org
Web site: http://www.fccpsa.org
About: FCCPSA is a resource for anyone wishing to start and operate a private Christian school, or faith-based child care facility, including the provision of manuals, and individual guidance.
Coral Ridge Home Educators Support Group
Phone: (954) 474-4373
E-mail: bblaw@comcast.net
Web site: http://www.crpc.org
About: Church ministry support group serving Broward County.
Educational Resource Center of Broward
Phone: (954) 987-4963
E-mail: teridiaz@educationalrcb.org
Web site: http://www.educationalrcb.org
Florida Coalition of Christian Private Schools Association (FCCPSA)
Phone: (772) 461-9776
Fax: (386) 218-5310
Web site: http://www.fccpsa.org
Home Education Foundation (HEF)
Address: PO Box 12563, Tallahassee, Florida 32317-2563
Phone: (850) 877-3494
Web site: http://www.flhef.org
About: The purpose of HEF is to direct lobbying for home education.
Home Educators Applying Righteous Teaching Standards
Phone: (954) 434-0771
E-mail: email@heartshomeschoolers.net
Web site: http://www.heartshomeschoolers.net
Homeeducation Organization Providing Encouragement
Phone: (954) 753-5058
E-mail: manna5@bellsouth.net
Web site: http://www.hopefamilies.com
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
Address: P.O. Box 3000, Purcellville, VA 20134
Phone: (540) 338-5600
Fax: (540) 338-2733
Website: http://www.hslda.org/default.aspx
About: After a family joins HSLDA, there are no further charges of any kind for defending them in court.
Broward County Homeschool Evaluators
Rita Chamberlin
Phone: (954) 491-7747
Phone: (954) 560-7643
E-mail: ritachamberlin@gmail.com
Teri Diaz
E-mail: teridiaz@educationalrcb.org
Web site: http://www.educationalrcb.org
Renee Hearn
Phone: (954) 987-5171
Phone: (954) 651-5270
Kay Raper
Phone: (954) 344-1417
Phone: (954) 520-8611
E-mail: johnwandkay@aol.com