One-hundred percent of the latex paint collected through the HHW Collection Program is recycled into new, high-quality exterior paint which is available to residents and non-profit organizations at no cost.
⇧ Checking the box is REQUIRED for validation.
The City of Pompano Beach collects and recycles latex paint for distribution to the community free of charge. Broward County’s program known as “Paint It Broward” distributes recycled latex paint to the cities. The cities in turn, distribute this paint to the residents. The material is intended for personal residential use only and is not to be sold or used in commercial operations. The paint is available to each residence once in a twelve month period. Note: If paint is not picked up within 3 months of the completed application date, a new application will need to be filled out.
The maximum number of gallons per residence is three 5-gallon containers (15 gallons).
The paint is released every Thursday between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 PM. Our address is: 1190 N.E. 3rd Avenue Building B, Pompano Beach, FL 33060. Please call (954) 786-4030 for more information.
Thank you!
Hello Tim,
Thank you for the information. It seems that the phone number 954-828-5770 has been abandoned by the City of Fort Lauderdale.
I called the City of Fort Lauderdale at 954-828-5000 and the representative said that Fort Lauderdale is no longer a participant in the Recycled Paint Distribution Program.
Our list has been updated. I am so sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Kindest regards,