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✓ Free HIV Testing Centers in Broward, FL

Get confidential information on HIV/AIDS, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HPV, Genital HPV, Genital HPV infection, Genital Herpes, Bacterial Vaginosis, PID, Trichomoniasis, and other STDs. Being tested is the ONLY way to know for sure if you are infected with HIV. (Also see: State of Florida)

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  • What is HPV?

    What is Genital HPV Infection?
    Genital human papillomavirus (also called HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection (STI). There are more than 40 HPV types that can infect the genital areas of males and females. These HPV types can also infect the mouth and throat. Most people who become infected with HPV do not even know they have it. HPV is not the same as herpes or HIV (the virus that causes AIDS). These are all viruses that can be passed on during sex, but they cause different symptoms and health problems.

    How do people get HPV?
    HPV is passed on through genital contact, most often during vaginal and anal sex. HPV may also be passed on during oral sex and genital-to-genital contact. HPV can be passed on between straight and same-sex partners—even when the infected partner has no signs or symptoms.

    A person can have HPV even if years have passed since he or she had sexual contact with an infected person. Most infected persons do not realize they are infected or that they are passing the virus on to a sex partner. It is also possible to get more than one type of HPV.

    Very rarely, a pregnant woman with genital HPV can pass HPV to her baby during delivery. In these cases, the child can develop Juvenile-Onset Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis (JORRP).

  • What is genital herpes?

    Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the herpes simplex viruses type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 (HSV-2). Most genital herpes is caused by HSV-2. Most individuals have no or only minimal signs or symptoms from HSV-1 or HSV-2 infection. When signs do occur, they typically appear as one or more blisters on or around the genitals or rectum. The blisters break, leaving tender ulcers (sores) that may take two to four weeks to heal the first time they occur. Typically, another outbreak can appear weeks or months after the first, but it almost always is less severe and shorter than the first outbreak. Although the infection can stay in the body indefinitely, the number of outbreaks tends to decrease over a period of years.

  • What is bacterial vaginosis?

    Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is the name of a condition in women where the normal balance of bacteria in the vagina is disrupted and replaced by an overgrowth of certain bacteria. It is sometimes accompanied by discharge, odor, pain, itching, or burning.

    See your doctor if you suspect you may have BV. Although BV does not normally cause difficulties, there are some serious risks from having the condition. These include:

    •  Having BV can increase susceptibility to HIV infection if exposed to the virus.
    •  Having BV increases the chances that a woman infected with HIV can pass the
       infection to her sex partner(s).
    •  Having BV may increase the development of an infection following surgeries,
       such as a hysterectomy or an abortion.
    •  Having BV while pregnant may put a woman at risk for complications of pregnancy.
    •  BV increases a woman’s susceptibility to other STDs, such as herpes simplex virus
       (HSV), chlamydia and gonorrhea.

Free HIV Testing in Broward County

Being tested is the ONLY way to know for sure if you are infected with HIV. Free Rapid HIV Testing: Results in 5 minutes. Receive confidential information.

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To improve and maintain oral health of the medically underserved.

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