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✓ Free HIV Testing Centers in Broward, FL

Get confidential information on HIV/AIDS, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HPV, Genital HPV, Genital HPV infection, Genital Herpes, Bacterial Vaginosis, PID, Trichomoniasis, and other STDs. Being tested is the ONLY way to know for sure if you are infected with HIV. (Also see: State of Florida)

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  • UNITED KINGDOM; UNITED STATES; ITALY; AUSTRIA: Scientists Find Way to ‘Disarm’ AIDS Virus
    Mon, 19 Sep 2011 – http://www.reuters.com

    US and European researchers report they have found a way to prevent HIV from damaging the immune system, possibly opening a new avenue for developing an AIDS vaccine. The scientists, led by Adriano Boasso of Imperial College London, found that HIV’s attack on the immune system is thwarted if cholesterol is removed from the membrane of the virus. While infection with HIV triggers an immediate response by the innate immune system, some scientists say this response is an overreaction that weakens the next line of defense, the adaptive immune response. Once cholesterol is removed from the virus’ membrane, “It’s like an army that has lost its weapons but still has flags, so another army can recognize it and attack it,” Boasso said. “HIV is very sneaky,” Boasso continued. “It evades the host’s defenses by triggering overblown responses that damage the immune system. It’s like revving your car in first gear for too long, eventually the engine blows out.” This, Boasso said, may be why the hunt for an AIDS vaccine has proven so vexing. “Most vaccines prime the adaptive response to recognize the invader, but it’s hard for this to work if the virus triggers other mechanisms that weaken the adaptive response.” HIV takes its membrane from the cell it infects, the authors wrote. The cholesterol in the membrane helps it stay fluid and able to interact with certain types of cells. Immune cells called plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) normally recognize HIV and quickly produce signaling molecules, or interferons. These switch on various processes that, while initially helpful, damage the immune system if they stay activated for too long. If the cholesterol is removed from HIV’s envelope, the team discovered, pDCs are not activated, leaving T cells free to mount an adaptive response and fight the virus more effectively. The study, “Over-Activation of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Inhibits Anti-Viral T-Cell Responses: A Model for HIV Immunopathogenesis,” was published in Blood (2011; doi:10.1182/blood-2011-03-344218).

  • CALIFORNIA: New Allies in Fight Against STDs: Churches Will Help Promote an L.A. County Campaign Against Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
    Tue, 20 Sep 2011 – http://www.latimes.com

    Pastors and “first ladies” from churches throughout South Los Angeles are supporting a new self-service STD testing and awareness outreach. Under the campaign, kiosks and a mobile health van will boost young women’s access to free tests and information, while patient follow-up at clinics and prevention education at schools will expand. Los Angeles County Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas and Department of Public Health Director Dr. Jonathan Fielding, who are leading the effort, announced details of the program to school officials, church leaders, public health experts, and media at a gathering at the new King Center for Public Health in Willowbrook. “This is probably the first time you have pastors and first ladies coming forward to address an issue that heretofore has been considered taboo,” Ridley-Thomas said. “Nobody wants to talk about” the problem of rising chlamydia and gonorrhea rates among young black women, said Debra Williams, whose husband is pastor at McCoy Memorial Baptist Church. “We need to change that.” Los Angeles County reported 45,400 chlamydia cases and 10,400 gonorrhea cases last year, data show. In 2009, the county led the nation for chlamydia case numbers and was second for gonorrhea. The 2nd Supervisorial District, which includes South Los Angeles and two dozen other communities, has a disproportionate number of residents with both diseases, according to the county Department of Public Health. In addition, rates are much higher for black females ages 15-24 than for any other population.

  • OKLAHOMA: AIDS Walk Brings Focus on Disease 30 Years After First Case
    Thu, 22 Sep 2011 – http://newsok.com/

    The annual AIDS Walk of Oklahoma City will take place Sunday in the Bricktown district’s Sonic Plaza, with registration beginning at 12:30 p.m., followed by the walk at 2 p.m. Registration for the 5K run starts at 8 a.m., followed by the run at 9 a.m. The fee for the run is $20 in advance or $25 on Sunday; the walk is free. Since 1998, the walk has raised more than $500,000 to support local AIDS services. This year’s grand marshal will be Randy Roberts Potts, the openly gay grandson of the late televangelist Oral Roberts. For more information, visit http://www.aidswalkokc.org/home.

Free HIV Testing in Broward County

Being tested is the ONLY way to know for sure if you are infected with HIV. Free Rapid HIV Testing: Results in 5 minutes. Receive confidential information.

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To improve and maintain oral health of the medically underserved.

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