Q: Where can I find a free dentist?
A: We’ve compiled a list of free and low-cost dental programs in Miami-Dade to help improve and maintain the oral health of the medically underserved and uninsured.
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Q: What is the difference between Dade and Miami-Dade?
A: On November 13, 1997, voters changed the name of the county from Dade to Miami-Dade to acknowledge the international name recognition of Miami.
Source: Wikipedia. Miami-Dade County, Florida. 18 Jul. 2012. Web. 24 Jul. 2012.
Can you tell me where the clinics are in Miami that offer free dental services for individuals without any insurance? Thanks.
Camillus Health Concern
336 N.W. Fifth Street
Miami, Florida 33128
Contact Number: 305-577-4840, ext. 118
Fax Number: 305-373-7431
Email: contactus@camillushealthconcern.org
Website: http://www.camillushealth.org
Income Requirements: Homeless or staying in shelter
Locations Served: Downtown Miami Area
Population: Poor, homeless or staying in shelter
Age Range: 18 years of age and older
Dental Services: Dentures, Extraction, Fillings
Fees: None