Get confidential information on HIV/AIDS, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, Syphilis, HPV, Genital HPV, Genital HPV infection, Genital Herpes, Bacterial Vaginosis, PID, Trichomoniasis, and other STDs. Being tested is the ONLY way to know for sure if you are infected with HIV. (Also see: State of Florida)
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TEXAS: Student Becomes Third Confirmed Active TB Case
Thu, 13 Oct 2011 –
A third case of active TB associated with Ennis High School has been confirmed. The patient and a sibling have been confined to home for the past three weeks after testing positive on a TB skin test and having abnormal chest X-rays. Both were students of an EHS teacher with active TB. So far, the Texas Department of State Health Services has analyzed 1,648 TB skin tests associated with the Ennis outbreak, and 225 have tested positive. Most are considered latent infections, meaning the person does not have active disease and is not contagious. About 10 people showing signs of active disease – including abnormal chest X-ray, coughing, weight loss, and lethargy – are being treated as they await confirmation of the diagnosis. Confirmation can take two to six weeks.
UNITED STATES: Talk Sex, Even If Kids Tune You Out: Parents Are Vital for Healthy Attitudes
Thu, 13 Oct 2011 –
Even when the conversation is uncomfortable, parents need to keep talking to their teens about sex, say experts in sexual health. There is “never going to be any positive reinforcement for talking to kids about sex,” said clinical psychologist Sharon Maxwell of Canton, Mass. “They don’t want to talk to you about it; it embarrasses them.” But, “When [kids] say they got sex education in school, you can say: ‘You got the biology, but you didn’t get the ethics of it. You did not get what’s going to make you feel good as a person.’” The goal for parents “should be to give kids information, not to extract information from them about ‘What are you doing? How far have you gone?’” said Amber Madison, author of “Talking Sex with Your Kids.” “Even if kids act like they don’t care about what they’re saying, they do. Even if they act like they’re not listening, they probably are.” “Parents say they have difficulty, but the reality is with a little practice, it’s not that hard. Stand in front of a mirror. Practice with your partner. Get used to saying various words,” said Fred Kaeser, a former director of health for New York City public schools and author of “What Your Child Needs to Know About Sex (and When).” Federal data released Wednesday find that for both sexes, a “significantly smaller percentage” of teens had had sex if they lived with both parents at age 14; if the mother had her first child at age 20 or older; if the mother was a college graduate; or if the teen currently lived with both parents. Thirty-five percent of girls surveyed who lived with both parents reported being sexually active, compared to 54 percent of those in any other living arrangement.
HIV/AIDS Awareness Days
The Latino Commission on AIDS (LCOA), the Hispanic Federation and many other organizations organize this day.
Oct. 15th National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
Dec. 7th World’s Aids Day
Feb. 7th Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Mar. 10th National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Mar. 20th National Native HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Mar. 18th HIV Vaccine Awareness Day
May 19th National Asian & Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Jun. 8th Caribbean American HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Jun. 27th National HIV Testing Day
Sep. 18th National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day
Sep. 27th National Gay Men’s HIV/AIDS Awareness Day